260 research outputs found


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    Fuzzy Q-learning is extending of Q-learning algorithm that uses fuzzy inference system to enable Q-learning holding continuous action and state. This learning has been implemented in various robot learning application like obstacle avoidance and target searching. However, most of them have not been realized in embedded robot. This paper presents implementation of fuzzy Q-learning for obstacle avoidance navigation in embedded mobile robot. The experimental result demonstrates that fuzzy Q-learning enables robot to be able to learn the right policy i.e. to avoid obstacle


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menghasilkan dan mengetahui kelayakan modul elektronik IPA berbasis pendekatan STML menurut dosen ahli dan guru IPA; (2) mengetahui respon peserta didik setelah menggunakan modul elektronik IPA berbasis STML; dan (3) mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan peserta didik dalam memecahkan masalah setelah menggunakan modul elektronik IPA berbasis STML. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan atau R & D dengan model 4D (Define, Design, Develop, dan Dessiminate). Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu instrumen validasi kelayakan modul elektronik IPA, lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan STML, angket respon peserta didik terhadap modul elektronik IPA, dan soal tes kemampuan memecahkan masalah peserta didik. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu (1) modul elektronik IPA berbasis sains teknologi masyarakat dan lingkungan (STML) yang dihasilkan dinyatakan layak digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan peserta didik dalam memecahkan masalah; (2) modul elektronik IPA yang dikembangkan mendapatkan respon positif dari peserta didik; dan (3) modul elektronik IPA berbasis STML dapat meningkatkan kemampuan memecahkan masalah peserta didik dengan kategori sedang. Kata kunci: kemampuan memecahkan masalah, modul elektronik IPA, pendekatan STML The objectives of this research were: (1) to produce and to identify the feasibility of Science-Electronic module based on SETS approach according to the expert lecturers and science teachers; (2) to identify the learners’ responses after using Science-Electronic SETS based module; and (3) to identify the improvement of learners problems solving skill after using Science-Electronic SETS base module. This research was a Research and Development (R&D) with 4D model (Define, Design, Develop, and Dessiminate). The instrument used in this research were validation form of Science-Electronic Module, observation form of the learning process in applying SETS approach, questionnaire of learners’ responses about Science-Electronic Module, and problem solving skill’s test. The findings showed that; (1) the Science-Electronic Module based on SETS was claimed to be feasible to be implemented in the field; (2) the Science-Electronic Module with SETS approach acquired good learners’ responses; (3) Science-Electronic Module based on SETS approach could increase the learners’ in problem solving skill with average category

    Tafsir Khawarij

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang kajian tafsir yang terkait dengan kelompok Khawarij, yang mana kita tahu Khawarij adalah aliran dalam Islam yang awalnya mengakui kekuasaan Ali bin Abi Thalib, lalu menolaknya. Disebut Khowarij disebabkan karena keluarnya mereka dari dinul Islam dan pemimpin kaum muslimin. Awal keluarnya mereka dari pemimpin kaum muslimin yaitu pada zaman khalifah Ali bin Abi Thalib ketika terjadi (musyawarah) dua utusan. Mereka berkumpul disuatu tempat yang disebut Khouro (satu tempat di daerah Kufah). Oleh sebab itulah mereka juga disebutAl Khoruriyyah. Dalam mengajak umat mengikuti garis pemikiran mereka, kaum Khawarij sering menggunakan kekerasan dan pertumpahan darah. Rasulullah Muhammad Shallallahu 'alaihi Wa Sallam menjuluki kaum ini dengan julukan "anjing neraka.

    Bio-driven control system for the rehabilitation hand device : a new approach

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.The myoelectric pattern recognition (M-PR) for hand rehabilitation devices has shown its efficacy in the laboratory environment. However, the performance of the M-PR in the clinical application is very poor. There is a big gap between the success of the laboratory experiment and the clinical application. The researchers found that the major cause of the gap was the robustness of the M-PR. Many aspects influence the robustness of the M-PR including the limb position, skin humidity, muscle fatigue, improvement in the muscle function, electrode shifts, and other clinical reasons. The aim of this thesis is to introduce novel M-PRs dealing with the robustness issues in real-time implementation. The goal was accomplished through the following actions. 1. Developing a new M-PR that can work well on the amputees and non-amputees. The proposed M-PR consists of time-domain and autoregressive features (TD-AR), spectral regression discriminant analysis (SRDA) as a feature reducer, and radial basis function extreme learning (RBF-ELM) as a classifier. The experimental results showed that the proposed system was able to detect the user’s intention with accuracy of roughly 99% on the able-bodied subjects and around 98% on the trans-radial amputees using six EMG channels. 2. Introducing new classifiers. The first classifier is adaptive wavelet extreme machine learning (AW-ELM). AW-ELM is the node-based ELM that can adapt to the changes that occur in the input. In general, AW-ELM could classify ten finger movements from two EMG channels with a good accuracy of 94.84 %. The second classifier is swarm radial basis extreme learning machine (SRBF-ELM). SRBF-ELM is a hybridization of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the kernel-based ELM. The role of PSO is to optimize the kernel parameters. The last classifier is swarm wavelet extreme learning machine (SW-RBF-ELM). The role of the wavelet is to avoid PSO being trapped in local optima. The experiments have been done on the healthy subjects and amputees for both, SRBF-ELM and SW-RBF-ELM. On the healthy subjects, the accuracy of SW-RBF-ELM is 95.62 % while SRBF-ELM is 95.53 %. On the amputees, the SW-RBF-ELM achieved the average accuracy of 94.27 %, while SRBF-ELM produced the average accuracy of 92.55 %. 3. Developing a new feature projection and feature reduction called spectral regression extreme learning (SR-ELM). SR-ELM can enhance the class separability of the features to improve the classification performance. The experimental results showed that SR-ELM can work well on different classifiers and various numbers of classes with an average accuracy ranging from 95.67 % to 86.73 % 4. Developing a robust M-PR by involving the transient state of EMG signal along with the steady state of it in the real-time experiment. The classification accuracy is 90.46 % and 89.19 % on the offline and online classification, respectively. 5. Introducing a new myoelectric controller for the exoskeleton hand. The myoelectric controller consists of two main parts: the myoelectric pattern recognition (M-PR) and myoelectric non-pattern recognition (M-non-PR). In the system, RBF-ELM-R (radial basis extreme learning machine with a rejection mechanism) represents the M-PR, and the proportional controller represents the M-non-PR. The power actuated to the linear motors is proportional to the amplitude of the EMG signals. The experimental results showed that, in the offline experiment of 10 classes, the accuracy is around 90 % and 92 % for RBF-ELM and RBF-ELM-R, respectively. In the online experiment, the accuracy is about 89.22 % and 89.73 % for RBF-ELM and RBF-ELM-R, respectively. 6. Introducing an adaptive mechanism to the M-PR to adapt to changes in the characteristic of the electromyography (EMG) signal. The thesis proposes a new M-PR with online sequential extreme learning machine (OS-ELM) and OS-ELM with rejection (OS-ELM-R). The experimental results showed that the accuracy is around 89 % and 91 % for OS-ELM and OS-ELM-R on the first-day experiment

    Desain Sistem Navigasi Robot Berkaki Enam pada Model Lahan Tanaman Padi

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    This article presents a robot design used in agriculture field for controlling rat  pest in paddy fields. The robot is hexapod type with single actuator in every leg. It has two kind of controller, low-level controller and high level controller. The low-level controller guarantees the leg rotation in 360 degrees. The high-level controller is behavior-based controller with a coordinator. The performance of each behavior  was tested as well as the overall system. This research yielded a robot that could operate in grassy and muddy environment and it could move with speed 3.9 cm/s


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    Program Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) di sekolah merupakan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa untuk menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan yang telah dipelajarinya di bangku perkuliahan. Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL, mahasiswa diberikan kesempatan untuk menerapkan teori-teori tersebut sekaligus mencari ilmu secara empirik dan bersifat faktual, tidak sekedar ilmu teoritis. Kegiatan PPL bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman nyata dan langsung kepada mahasiswa sebagai calon pendidik, sehingga mahasiswa dapat menerapkan, mempersiapkan, dan mengembangkan kemampuannya sebagai seorang pendidik. Kegiatan PPL dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa kependidikan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran di sekolah secara langsung. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL di SMP Negeri 2 Kalasan dilakukan pada tanggal 15 Juli 2016 sampai dengan tanggal 15 September 2016. Kegiatan PPL dilakukan dengan kegiatan awal yaitu observasi lingkungan sekolah kemudian dilanjutkan observasi kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru. Selanjutnya, mahasiswa PPL diberikan kesempatan untuk mengajar di kelas dengan melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran sesuai jadwal yang telah ditentukan. Kelas yang diampu oleh mahasiswa sebanyak satu kelas yaitu kelas VII D, namun mahasiswa PPL juga membantu mengajar di kelas VII C, VII E, VII F, VIII D, dan VIII E. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengajaran di kelas, antara lain percobaan, diskusi kelompok, permainan dan tanya jawab. Untuk mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran digunakan beberapa media, antara lain gambar, video, slide power point, LKPD beserta alat dan bahan yang digunakan dalam percobaan. Kendala dan hambatan yang dihadapi mahasiswa selama PPL antara lain sulitnya pengelolaan kelas, manajemen waktu, dan masih grogi saat mengajar. Namun hambatan tersebut dapat diminimalisir berkat bimbingan dari guru pembimbing lapangan yang selalu memberikan saran terkait hambatan yang dihadapi mahasiswa. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL di sekolah, dapat memberikan mahasiswa bekal pangalaman dan gambaran nyata tentang kegiatan dalam dunia pendidikan khususnya di sekolah. Kegiatan PPL dapat terlaksana dengan lancar dan sukses berkat kerjasama dan kerja keras semua pihak. Dengan terselesaikannya kegiatan PPL diharapkan dapat tercipta tenaga pendidik yang professional dan berkualitas

    Desain Sistem Navigasi Robot Berkaki Enam Pada Model Lahan Tanaman Padi

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    This article presents a robot design used in agriculture field for controlling rat pest in paddy fields. The robot is hexapod type with single actuator in every leg. It has two kind of controller, low-level controller and high level controller. The low-level controller guarantees the leg rotation in 360 degrees. The high-level controller is behavior-based controller with a coordinator. The performance of each behavior was tested as well as the overall system. This research yielded a robot that could operate in grassy and muddy environment and it could move with speed 3.9 cm/s

    Pemikiran Eksistensialisme Martin Heidegger dan Relevansinya Dengan Keberadaan Manusia Di Dunia Teknologi

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    Martin Heidegger's Existentialist thought articles and their relevance to The background of human existence in the world of technology is its development technology, which can make someone who fails to keep up development will be considered alienated, but one can also lose identity themselves if they only follow the flow of technological developments without knowing the essence. This study aims to determine the nature of technology and at the same time provide an offer looking at technology through the perspective of Martin Heidegger's existentialist philosophy. This research is a library research using elements method as follows. Understanding; means the way that is revealed in understanding something noticed. Understanding is a description of something that is already known in a situational context. Understanding in this context is the way of understanding technology revealed to researchers. Interpretation; it means explication of understanding to see something as (as) something. The interpretation here is based on the understanding of the researcher so that he uses philosophy Martin Heidegger's existentialism as a point of view to see the problem. Formal Indication; character of the concept in Martin Heidegger's phenomenological method specifically is a formal indication. This means that the concept of philosophy is related phenomena are decisive (formal) but at the same time designate (indicate) phenomena certain references to say the principle of something, without claiming to be exact represent the whole situation


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    The film All Eyez On Me tells the life of a Hip hop singer Tupac Shakur. This undergraduate paper shows how Tupac Shakur fought against racism in America society. It covered a story from his childhood to be a famous rapper along with his social movement called Black Panther. Hip hop is not only industrial music and entertainment, but also a critical media to society in America. This undergraduate paper has two main objective; (1) to describe the racism happened by Tupac Shakur (2) to investigate the correlation between Tupac Shakur Hip hop and American racism. This research was under a descriptive qualitative method. Therefore, library research was used for compiling both primary data and secondary data. The primary data is adopted from the film, meanwhile the secondary data refer to some sources such as, books, journals, articles, and on-line data. Method of American studies as an interdisciplinary approach is also applied along with theories to analyze the problem formulation in this research. After the data are collected, they are analyzed by using a sociology approach, and focusing on racism theory by James M. Jones. He shows that racism was divided into three categories, individual racism, institutional racism, and cultural racism. Then, the writer uses the theory of popular culture because Tupac Shakur is a musician and music one of the product of popular culture. This research result that Tupac Shakur tried fight against racism. Through his music ‘Hip hop’ and social movement of Black Panther. Even though it was not successful but it gave deep impacts toward the other social movements. In short, music can be used as a social critics through its lyrics

    E-Learning : Teori dan Aplikasinya dalam PAI

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    This article discusses the use of E-Learning  in PAI learning and its problems and solutions. This research uses the library method. The results of the study received positive responses from students, some of the benefits of a) they are easy to understand information, b) gaining social skills, c) broad access to information, d) promoting lifelong learning. The negative impact of the use of E-Learning  a) the thought process is not deep, b) vulnerable to false information, c) vulnerable to criminal action. The use of E-Learning  has problems including a) educators who have difficulty learning electronic-based learning media b) signal constraints c) difficulty in coordinating tasks d) prone to cheating in learnin
